Monday, July 26, 2010

Yesterday in the worship services, we discussed how Paul found his way into Macedonia to spread the Gospel there (I'd like to think that Paul was launching a "Lifeboat" in Macedonia in the city of Philippi!). If you read Acts 16:6-10, you will notice that Paul and his companions tried to make their way into two other areas before going into Macedonia. The Holy Spirit prevented them from going into these other areas but then opened a door for them in Macedonia. Part of our journey in implementing Operation Lifeboat may very well involve encountering closed doors. But we know this: God will open a door of opportunity for us to launch a Lifeboat if that particular Lifeboat is a part of his plan and perfect will.

As a point of discussion, have you ever attempted to do something for God and then encounter a "closed door?" Did God later provide an "open door" of opportunity? Share your stories!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Welcome to Operation Lifeboat!

By now many of you have heard my message on July 18 concerning Operation Lifeboat and Pastor Jim's message on July 11 from Nehemiah 1. I truly believe that God is calling us to send out "Lifeboats" to reach lost people in our area who will never darken the doors of our church.

Right now no one knows what these Lifeboats will be or when they will be launched. However, to give you an idea what these Lifeboats might look like, I have thought of a few possibilities:

1. New small group Bible studies meeting in people's homes
2. Acts of service and kindness similar to last year's "Rake and Bake"
3. An additional worship service off site (like at a school auditorium or hotel meeting area)
4. Planting a new church

NOTE: These are only ideas that I have thought of. God may lead us to send out Lifeboats that are completely different from the four mentioned above. Also, we will be wise to send out one Lifeboat well rather than several haphazardly. God will guide us!

On July 11, Pastor Jim mentioned several things we can learn from Nehemiah's adventure: prayer, planning, flexibility and perseverance. Let's take the first of things from Nehemiah and apply it to Operation Lifeboat: prayer. I believe we need to pray and ask God's guidance.

The question I have is this: How has prayer helped you in seeking God's guidance in the past? How can we pray concerning Operation Lifeboat? Let's hear your thoughts!